About IC 7812 Voltage regulator
7812 Voltage regulator is a type of self-contained fixed linear voltage regulator integrated circuit. The IC belongs to ic 78xx voltage regulator family.
The 7812 voltage regulator IC is ease-of-use and available in very low cost. The last two digits of 7812 indicates the output voltage that is 12 V

The ic 7812 is a positive voltage regulator which means that it generates the positive voltage with respect to the common ground.
In case if both the positive and negative voltage supply is needed in the same circuit. The voltage regulator ic 7812 is combined with its corresponding 79XX family IC that is 7912 IC.
The voltage regulator 7812 is available most commonly in TO-220 packageas well as TO-3, TO-92 and surface mount Packages.
The ic 7812 Voltage regulators do operate at their optimal capability, if the input voltage is at least 2.5 volt greater than the output voltage (i.e 14.5 V min.) and the current is 1 or 1.5 Amperes more. Though the voltage and current difference is different for other IC Packages.
How to use IC 7812

The 7812 ic have 3 pins.
- The positive input is at pin 1.
- The Pin 2 is common between both input as well as output voltage.
- Pin 3 is a positive output.
When using the voltage regulator setup, you need to take care of the current through the voltage regulator ic do not exceed beyond the capacity which is mentioned in the datasheet or else it may blow off. You also have to be careful with the connection you are making with the voltage supply. Reverse polarity does get the ic heat up really quickly, you can also use a pn junction diode in order to prevent such a condition.
Also read jk flip flop.
You can use the capacitors in order to minimize the voltage fluctuations in the circuit and maintains the constant voltage across the input as well as output of the circuit.
Also see difference between microprocessor and microcontroller.
Advantages of ic 7812
- 7812 voltage regulator ic does not require any component to balance or saturate their output voltage.
- The 7812 ic has a built-in protection from the high current. It has a heat-sink with the common ground connected with it. The heat sink prevents our regulator ic from overheating and short-circuits.
Also see types of transistor explained.
22 thoughts on “IC 7812 Voltage regulator Pin and Circuit Explained”
Wow, my bro was looking for this things, so I am going to tell em.
Does the pi extension matter?
Very nice
Thanks, its helpful
How am i suppose to prevent my regulator ic 7812 from getting damaged due to heat ?
Use heatsink and keep voltage difference as minimum as possible
i used ic7812 to charge my bike battery, it overheats a lot. :/
check your polarity or use a diode to prevent reverse current.
The battery charge is close to 14volts so it’s sucking more current than the 7812 can supply.
Can i charge my bike battery with the help of Full wave rectifier of 4 A current output and 7812 ic ?
You need to add a resistor on the ground lead to get 14 volts output.
Sangat bermanfaat.
Can I use ic7812 to regulate voltage out of a old car with generator .as the car revs up voltage increases messing with fuel gauge.reads correctly at idle but with increase in voltage gauge goes up
Can any one explain me how we can check continuity selection of multimerter of 7812CT in PCB circuit my whatsup number is 00974xxxxxxxx
After voltage regulation what happens the difference in input to out put voltage Eg. Say if 15 Volts regulated to 12 volts using LM7812 IC then the difference in input to output voltage 15-12 volts = 3 volt, is it resisted with out lose or is it wasted in the form of heat.
How do I prevent a voltage regulator with out any lose of energy.
Dear Daniel,
Voltage regulators are meant to provide a constant voltage. Also, as resistors are used to drop voltages, therefore, the power will be somewhat wasted in the form of heat, which is not a big issue. You can relate the same with the energy conservation principle.
You can ask if still some doubt persists.
Thanks & Regards
Sathik bhai unga number anupunga illana my number 9XXXXXXXX0 ungalda pesannum please
I likes more
Useful explanation about 7812.
Want to know maximum current flow of 7812.
Thank you very much Farhan Shaikh
It helped for my friends Satyam Kumar and Rakhi understanding linear voltage regulator.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks Bro this is very helpfull for Me &Others
i have 4 solar panel of 160 watts and want to run my home dc load direct in day time how what components may i use for 4 solar panel dc current as DC Fans,and led lights in day time .without battery …please guide
IC LM7812 regulator input and output is good but it has 1 Amper that is very less current,is there any IC Regulator that takes input 14 to 20 and output DC 12 volt 5 ampers…..